Coding a Responsive Mini vCard Webpage
The use of online portfolios has become a popular choice by many digital artists. The goal would be showcasing yourself and your skills to anyone curious, maybe hiring companies or potential clients. Another simpler way to accomplish this task is to create your own digital vCard page. It’s usually a single page containing a brief resume, your work experience, and some interesting tidbits about yourself.In this tutorial I want to demonstrate how to build a simple tabbed webpage layout in the style of a simplistic portfolio. We can incorporate jQuery fade effects to switch between the tabs, sticking to a formal responsive design. Take a peek at my live sample demo to see what the final product looks like.
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Setting the Layout
Aside from the single index file I’m also creating a separate stylesheet named styles.css. We also need a copy of the jQuery library, either local or hosted externally.The page itself is held within a wrapper fixed at the maximum width of 700px. Within this wrapper I’m using a secondary container div which adds the white background and natural page body effects.